Bishop’s Art Competition Winners

2023 Bishop’s Competition for Primary Schools

Congratulations to our 3 winners in the Bishop’s Art Competition. We are so proud of you as we are with all our fantastic pupils who entered this year’s competition.

Our schools are changing and each year we welcome new people, new cultures, new traditions and sometimes we even welcome a new Bishop! In the last year many schools have welcomed pupils from Ukraine and other countries. Many of us welcome pupils transferring from other schools in parts of Ireland. Every year in Autumn we welcome new families and sometimes new staff to our school communities. As Irish society changes, our school populations evolve too and are the better for it. It enriches us to welcome, embrace and celebrate diversity.

Here is a photo of our three successful children with Rev Alec and Ms Buggie at our school assembly. 

This year’s theme was ‘Welcome, Hospitality and Inclusion”. The aim was to give pupils an opportunity to reflect on what that means in each school and classroom to be truly welcoming.