Supporting Rev Alec’s work with Project in Gambia



Supporting Rev Alec’s work in Gambia

On Friday 22nd November 2024, Rev Alec joined us for our weekly assembly as usual but on this occasion, it was to share his story and involvement with a project in Gambia.

Rev Alec along with his wife Gill will travel to Gambia again, to see the progress that is being made there regarding a very special project in conjunction with SVP Twinning Programme. The project involves the sharing of resources, experiences and friendships. The primary goal is to help those in need of alleviating poverty and becoming self-sufficient.

Rev Alec shared with us his experiences of his work and visits to  Gambia, the school that is being built there and the good work that has been undertaken. It was very interesting to listen to and ask Rev Alec our questions. It reminds us all how lucky and privileged we are to be part of our own education system here in Ireland. We learned alot of facts about Gambia itself.

Pupils at Maryborough NS will donate books, copybooks, pencils, rubbers,  sharpeners and more to help the children in Gambia to enjoy in their new school to the fullest. We held a very successful parents and pupils coffee morning/cake sale to raise funds to support Rev Alec’s work with SVP in Gambia. We are proud to have been a part of this amazing project.